Futures Supported Lodgings

What we do

Barnardos Futures provide Supported Lodgings, Nightstop and Floating Support in Leeds and the surrounding areas.
Supported Lodgings
Supported Lodgings are available to care experienced young people and other vulnerable young people age 16-21-subject to funding from referring agency- such as Children and Young People Social Care.
Futures recruit, assess, train and support local people with a spare room to offer supported lodgings. All carers and young people receive support throughout the placement, working closely and alongside other agencies.

Futures provide short term emergency accommodation under our Nightstop service for 16-21 years olds. We train, assess and support Nightstop hosts who offer their spare room to homeless young people for 1- 3 nights. This gives the young person a safe, warm and supportive place to stay and allows them time to find safe, suitable and longer term accommodation

Floating support
We offer individual support to children and young people under the age of 21, either in their own home or out in the community. This can be support to access positive activities, tenancy support or support to maintain a foster placement or support in the family home.
Futures also offers floating support to Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking young people within Supported Living Accommodation.

We can help with

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