Want to change childhoods and change lives? 

Whether you’re assisting customers in one of our shops, part of a team running a fundraising event, helping behind the scenes in an office, or spending time with families in our services, by volunteering you can help make a difference to children and young people’s lives. 

You might be a jobseeker, retired, seeking asylum, in full or part-time employment or studying. Wherever you’re from, whatever your background, and however you choose to volunteer, you’ll be changing children’s lives. 

Why volunteer with us? 

A man smiles while gardening
It is a real joy to be able to spend time out in the Barnardo's gardens. While this time is good for both my mental and physical wellbeing, the best part about my volunteer role is knowing that I've helped create a green space in a largely built-up area, which can be enjoyed by visiting families, staff and young children. 


Volunteer gardener

If you choose to volunteer with us you’ll get:

  • an amazing experience – we’re committed to giving our volunteers the best time possible. We’ll listen to you and find out what you want to get out of volunteering. And we’ll make sure you’re in a role suited to your experience and skills 

  • ongoing support and guidance – your dedicated volunteer manager will make sure you’re supported and offer you regular catch ups to discuss your role, the activities you are taking part in, any challenges, successes and training needs. You’ll also get support from the rest of your team, both colleagues and other volunteers.

  • training – all our volunteers complete induction training, which helps you settle in and makes sure you have the knowledge and support you need for your role. We also offer additional training relevant to your role if you want to broaden your skills more widely.

  • benefits - these include a discount in our shops. Our benefits change over time, and you’ll receive a full list when you start volunteering 

  • reassurance you won’t be left out of pocket. If your volunteering role needs you to pay for some small expenses, your volunteer manager will agree these in advance and help you get the money back.  

  • a potential health boost! The NCVO’s Time Well Spent research found 77% of volunteers reported improved mental health and wellbeing and, 53% reported improved physical health.

Our values and behaviours 

Everyone who volunteers with us is different, but we ask anyone who works or volunteers with us to act in a way that reflects our values. This helps us make sure you feel you belong and means we can change more children’s lives for the better.  

A woman holds a sign saying "I believe in volunteering"
I enjoy playing with the children. It gives me a sense of relief being able to give back to the community. Here at [our service] we are a community; we believe in everyone! 


Children’s services volunteer

Find your perfect volunteering role  

We have lots of different volunteering roles. Some require more time than others. Some can be done from home, others will mean you spend time with people in your local community. We’re confident we can find something to suit you, be that regular or flexible volunteering.  

Search our current volunteering opportunities to find a role you’d like to do. If there’s nothing currently available, please check again soon. We add new opportunities all the time. 

A woman smiling
I volunteer at Barnardo's as we received a lot of specialist help for our autistic son and it was a way of giving back. I love working as part of our friendly and culturally diverse team. We enjoy chatting and laughing, it’s greatly improved my mental health. It's satisfying to play a part in making the shop a success, improving the lives of children and families.


Retail volunteer

Different ways to volunteer

Want to be there as a child’s life changes for the better?  

From helping run a parent and baby session in a children’s centre, supporting disabled children as they take part in school holiday activities or building a long-term relationship with a young person being cared for by their local authority, there’s lots of ways you can help children and young people thrive.

Have you got business skills?

Got skills and expertise from your own training and employment you’d like to use and develop to help children and young people thrive? Then volunteering in business support might be perfect for you.

Are you one of a kind?

That’s just like lots of the stock in our stores! Be part of the team that makes our shops a welcoming place for people in their local community. Or you could support our online store. Either way you’ll be helping to fund services that children, young people and families need. 

Give us a ‘B!’

Money raised through fundraising activities helps us make children, young people and families across the UK safer, healthier, happier and more hopeful. Fundraising volunteers are cheerleaders, helping inspire others to raise vital money. From designing and distributing promotional materials, telling people about events on social media to cheering people across the finish line they help us change lives.

Research volunteering

Are you good at finding answers? Maybe you’re good at solving puzzles with your research and analytic skills. If so, a volunteering role in research may be for you.

Are you organised and know your way around Microsoft Word and Excel?

Could you provide the warm welcome someone needs when they walk through our doors or calls one of our services? If so, joining one of our office or administration teams might be the volunteering role for you.  

A young man smiling placing an old book on a shelf
Volunteering with Barnardo’s gave me a leg up in my career after I had finished studying, when I had no real other direction. There is nothing more motivating than knowing what we do here genuinely helps real people. I’ve been able to develop real working skills with welcoming team, which will no doubt shape my prospects.


Research Volunteer

Applying to become a volunteer 

Have a look at our volunteering website and once you’ve found a role you’d like to do, apply by pressing the green "click here to apply” button. 

The next step is an interview for you to get to know us, as well as the other way round!  Your potential volunteer manager will chat to you about the role and learn more about you, so you can both find out if it could be a good fit. They'll also discuss any disability or support needs you may have. Wherever possible, we’ll make reasonable adjustment to ensure you can carry out the role. 

Disclosure checks 

To do some of our roles volunteers need to first undergo disclosure checks to see if they have criminal convictions and cautions. If the role you have applied for requires either a DBS (England and Wales), PVG (Scotland) or Access NI (Northern Ireland) check, we will take you through the process. 

Having a criminal record will not necessarily stop you from volunteering with us. It will depend on the nature of any offences and the role you want to apply for. We would encourage you to discuss this with your volunteer manager in your initial conversation. 


You’ll need to give us the names and contact details of two people who can provide a reference for you. This helps us make sure we are keeping the children, young people and families we support safe. Your referees must have known you for at least two years and not be related to you in any way. They can be from outside the UK, but references must be written in English. 

How long does the application process take?  

After you submit your application we know you’ll be keen to hear back from us. The volunteer manager who looks after the role will try and respond to you within five working days, but there may be times where we take longer. If you have not heard from someone within 10 working days, please email [email protected]

The time the application process takes can vary. Your volunteer manager will be able to give you a better idea based on the local process. They’ll stay in touch by email, telephone, or our online system where you make your application, to let you know where things are. You can also contact them to find out what’s happening with your application if you have any questions in the meantime. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about volunteering

Below we’ve written answers to some questions we often get asked about volunteering. If you have a question that’s not answered here, please contact the volunteer manager for the opportunity you are interested in. You can contact them via the green “ask a question” button on the page that describes the role on our volunteering website

Questions about what it’s like to volunteer

How much time do I need to commit to volunteering? Can I be flexible with my volunteering hours?

There’s no minimum time commitment when volunteering with us. However, for some roles we do ask you to help us regularly so there’s continuity for the children, young people and families we support. We have a range of roles so we are confident that we can find something to suit your needs, be that regular or flexible volunteering. 

What training will I be offered as a Barnardo’s volunteer? 

You’ll get a proper induction to welcome you, help you settle in and make sure you have the knowledge and support you need for your volunteer role. It will introduce you to us, as well as covering basics in safeguarding, health and safety, data protection, confidentiality, and equality, diversity and inclusion.  

There may also be other training specific to your role you need to complete before starting. Your volunteer manager will talk to you about this. 

You’ll also get access to further Learning and Development training where you can complete a wide range of open courses. These might be linked to your role or in other areas you wish to develop. 

Can I volunteer from home? 

Yes. We have some roles such as helpline volunteer, admin volunteer or many of our business supporting roles that can be done from home.

What support can I expect from Barnardo’s during my time as a volunteer? 

Your dedicated volunteer manager will provide ongoing support and answer your questions. They’ll schedule regular catch ups, discuss your challenges and celebrate your successes. 

You’ll also be joining a team of colleagues and other volunteers in the team you’re in as well as across the UK. We’re all here to help you have a great experience while you help us change children’s and young people’s lives.  

Can I change the type of volunteering I do? 

Yes. Some of our volunteers remain in the same role for a long time as they’re happy doing it and it works for them. Others want to develop over time, and this may mean moving on to different roles. Either way your volunteer manager will work with you to identify your development needs and other opportunities suitable for you. 

Questions about who can volunteer 

Can Barnardo's support my visa application for the UK? 

Unfortunately, we are not able to support visa applications for those wishing to come to the UK to volunteer. 

Can I volunteer if I am under 16? 

Yes, but there are some roles you need to be over 18 to do. The minimum age for each role depends on a number of factors and each role description will tell you how old you need to be. If you are aged 17 and under you will need a parent/carer’s permission to volunteer.  

Can I volunteer while claiming benefits? 

You can volunteer while receiving benefits, as long as you continue to meet all the conditions of your benefit. Read full details about volunteering and claiming benefits on the Government’s website.

I am looking for volunteering for my Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) award. Can I use Barnardo’s volunteering for this? 

You can! Please look for a role suitable for your needs and apply as usual. Please mention you are looking to volunteer as part of your DofE in your application.

I am looking for a student placement as part of my studies. Can I use Barnardo’s volunteering for this? 

We’re sorry but no. Student placements that are mandatory do not fall under volunteering. We may be able to support you with a student placement, but you would need to contact your local service or store to make an enquiry. Details of our services and our stores can be found on our website.

I am a refugee/asylum seeker. Can I volunteer with Barnardo’s? 

Yes, our volunteering programme is open to anyone who can meet the screening steps for the role they are applying for, including references and disclosure checks (if applicable).  

I have a disability/support need. Can I volunteer with Barnardo’s? 

Yes. Barnardo’s is a Disability Confident level 3 employer, and we apply this good practice to volunteering as well. Part of our recruitment process is ensuring that the role is right for you. Please detail any disability or support needs in your application and our volunteer manager will have an open and honest conversation with you about this. Wherever possible, we will make reasonable adjustment to ensure you can carry out the role. 

I have a criminal record. Can I volunteer with Barnardo’s? 

Having a criminal record will not necessarily stop an individual from volunteering with us. It will depend on the nature of the offences and the role applied for. We would encourage you to discuss this with your volunteer manager at your initial conversation.  

Ready to start volunteering?

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