What we do
The overall aim of Barnardo’s PACe service is to provide high quality intensive support to young people aged 5-18 years who are experiencing significant difficulties at home or in school.
There are 3 specific aims of this service:
• To reduce the requirement to place children and young people in residential services, including residential schools and secure placements
• To offer young people support from their existing place of residence with the aim of reducing the length of placement in residential services and in foster placements and facilitating the re-integration of young people into their families and communities
• To assist young people to address the challenging/offending behaviours in a supported environment
We can help with
- We know looking after your family can be tough at times. We support parents, carers and families with guidance and activities so children and young people can feel safe, happy, healthy and hopeful.
- Find out more about Family support
- Search for Family support services