Young boy laughing in an alley


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Showing 1 - 10 of 114
  • How to talk to young people about peer pressure

    From skipping school to trying smoking or vaping, peer pressure can take many forms in children's lives. Hear from our expert for top tips on talking to children about peer pressure.

  • How to talk to your children about distressing news

    Sometimes children and teenagers can feel overwhelmed and worried by stories they hear or read about in the news or on social media. Lois Wignall, Assistant Director - Mental Health and Trauma Services, gives her advice on how to approach talking to your children about distressing news.

  • How we work with children and young people

    Josh Harsant, Barnardo’s Head of Voice and Influence, explains our approach to working with children and young people with Corrine and Raaghav, two young people who have been working with us to bring about positive change. 

  • How do you know it’s the right time to adopt?

    We know that lots of people are interested in adoption but aren’t sure when is the right time to start the process. To help you decide, we talked to parents who’ve adopted and experts from Barnardo’s and asked them how you can tell when it’s the right time to adopt.
