If you live in Scotland and are interested in adoption we’d love to speak to you.
Here, adopting is a team effort, and you can count on our dedicated community of parents and staff to be by your side every step of the way. We run regular events both for people interested in adoption, and for people who’ve already adopted, because the support we offer will continue long after you welcome a child into your home.
You can find out more about our upcoming events on Eventbrite. You can also stay in touch with us on Facebook, or contact us using the details below.
We’d love to talk to you about how you could change a childhood, and a life.
Our values align with the principles of The Promise, Scotland's promise to children and young people who experience being looked after by their local authority that they will grow up loved, safe, and respected. We believe all children and young people should grow up feeling that way and realise their full potential. Learn more about The Promise.
Contact Barnardo's Scotland Adoption team
Barnardo's Scotland Adoption Service, Building 10000, Academy Park, Gower Street, Glasgow G51 1PH

Who can adopt?
We welcome people from all walks of life and backgrounds. There are so many things about you that will help make you a great adoptive parent, but there are some practical things you need too.

Adoption process
Welcoming a child or young person into your life is an incredible thing to do - and a big decision to make. We'll make sure you have the information you need to work out if it's right for you and where you are in your life and what you can expect from the application process.

How we’ll support you
We listen and respond to the needs of our adopters, which is why we offer a comprehensive preparation, training and support adoption programme, including access to support groups, adopter forums and adoptive family social events.
“It felt like two families coming together”
What it’s like adopting older children and siblings