Adopting in London, South East and East England

Build a family and change a life

If you live in London and South East England and are interested in adopting a child, we're here to help.

We have over 100 years' experience successfully matching and providing homes for children with the right families, in particular identifying adoptive families for the children who wait the longest:

  • brothers and sisters
  • older children
  • Black and minority ethnic children
  • children with additional or complex needs

Getting in touch to say you are considering adoption can be a big step to take, but there’s nothing to worry about.

Barnardo's Adoption Placements South East

Here at Barnardo's Adoption Placements South East, we can talk you through the adoption process and answer all your questions.

If you adopt through us, we will give you all the emotional, practical and legal support you need to help you:

  • find the right child
  • prepare for the adoption
  • feel supported all the way through the process and in the years ahead

Get in touch

A young boy with downs syndrome sitting at a table with foster carer

Adoption process

We understand the decision to adopt is a huge step and we'll provide you with support every step of the way. Find out more about the journey to adoption.

Grandparents with two young children

Support for birth families and adult adoptees

We have dedicated adoption support services where we help others who are affected by adoption including birth families and adult adoptees.

children play tug of war

Who can adopt?

We welcome passionate individuals from all walks of life. You could be the special person a child needs.