Elderly mother and her daughter

Support for birth families and adult adoptees

We have dedicated adoption support services where we help others who are affected by adoption including birth families and adult adoptees.

Whether you're looking for support as the family of an adopted person, as an adopted person yourself, or are looking for support in your process to adopt or exploring your family history, our services can provide the help you need.

LINK Adoption Support Service

For more than twenty years Barnardo’s LINK has been providing therapeutic services to anyone affected by adoption.

This includes therapeutic services for prospective adopters, adoptive families, adopted children and young people, adult adoptees, birth family members and, in recent years, families where children are placed under a Special Guardianship Order (SGO).

We have accredited independent therapists based across London, East Anglia, South East and South West England, who can meet with adoptive families face-to-face in their own homes to work together on the principles and practice of therapeutic parenting.

Connecting Adoptive Families Independent Service (CAFIS)

CAFIS is a unique service for people living in Kent who are affected by adoption. They provide support around:

  • Advice and support for birth families

  • Access to birth records for adult adoptees

  • Intermediary services for adult adoptees and birth families

Making Connections

If you were adopted through Barnardo’s as a child, our Making Connections team can give you information about your adoption, and support you through the process.

They can assist with:

  • accessing your records

  • enquiring as a relative of an adopted person

  • obtaining information about your deceased relative

  • child migration

Further resources

Muslim woman and child reading a book on a couch

Adoption stories

What is it really like to adopt a child? Some of our adopters share their own experiences of adopting with Barnardo's.

My Mental Health hub graphic with a smiling teen boy looking at his phone

Get help for your mental health

Everyone has mental health and sometimes you can struggle with how you feel. You’re not alone and help is available. We offer lots of services to help you look after your mental health. This can include help in school, play therapy, or counselling.

A teen boy looking ahead with his arms crossed

Young people leaving care

No child should enter adulthood alone. We want to help young people bridge the gap between living in care and independent living. 

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