Clara Batey

To mark Black History Month, we're highlighting the journeys of children and young people, as well as volunteers and staff members from the black community.

Clara Batey

Clara came to Barnardo’s in the spring of 1900, when she was 11 years old. Her parents were both of African origin, but it’s not known which country they were from.

Clara’s parents left her in Doncaster and her father passed away afterwards. No one knew what happened to Clara’s mother and she was considered an orphan after the death of her father.

Clara’s application to be taken into Barnardo’s care was made by a Mr. Nicholson in Doncaster. It’s not clear from her records who he was and if he was related to Clara.

Like many Barnardo’s children, Clara managed to secure a job in domestic service and left Barnardo’s in 1908 at the age of 19 years old.

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