A teen girl smiling

Anna’s experience shaping the future of the NHS

Published on
27 February 2025

Anna is involved in the Mental Health sub-group of our NHS Youth Forum's Young Researchers programme. She explains why it’s so important for young people to be involved in shaping health services.

Our NHS Youth Forum is made up of a group of young people who are determined to help make NHS England a more inclusive and accessible space for all. By taking part in monthly consultations and other opportunities with NHS teams, NHS Youth Forum members share their opinions about services, resources, and projects that are being worked on.  

Through the Forum, we're creating a crucial bridge between young people and the healthcare system. It's not only about 'just having a say'; it's about recognising that young people are experts in their own experiences. The NHS Youth Forum provides a platform where young people’s voices are amplified, and where young people can directly influence policy and practice. It's about empowering the younger generation to take ownership of their health and the health of their communities.  

Looking back on her time in the NHS Youth Forum, 20-year-old Anna wants other young people to know that your voices and experiences matter. 

“One of the best things that I’ve done over the past year has been the work that I have done by being an NHS Young Researcher. 

“The report that I have co-written with other members of the NHS Young Researchers about NHS mental health services and support is something that I am so proud of. We have given others a voice, while using our own and have been able to highlight some of the biggest struggles that people face when accessing mental health services.”

Anna smiling
It has boosted my confidence so much as I’ve shown myself what I’m capable of.


NHS Young Researcher

“It has boosted my confidence so much as I’ve shown myself what I’m capable of. I applied to be an NHS Young Researcher to improve NHS mental health services because I’ve had a lived experience of accessing them myself, so it’s been incredible being able to produce this piece of work. I have also made friends that are amazing and inspiring to me."

A group of young people posing for a photo, with Anna joining the group photo virtually on a laptop that a young person is holding up as part of the group photo
The NHS Youth Forum members posing for a group photo, with Anna joining the group photo virtually by laptop.

“It is so important for young people to be involved in shaping health services because we experience them just like the older generations do and equally, we should be able to have our voices and experiences heard.

“We are becoming the next generation of adults, and we will be using the NHS throughout our lives so it’s important that we can use our voice to shape the services that we need.  

“For anyone joining the NHS Youth Forum, my best advice would be to throw yourself into everything and always give your opinion because your voice and experiences matter.  

“Don’t doubt yourself; I threw myself into this not knowing what to expect and it’s been something that I’ve loved and I’m so proud of.” 

A group of young people posing for a photo, with Anna joining the group photo virtually on a laptop that a young person is holding up as part of the group photo

The NHS Youth Forum

We know that there is no one better to ask about young people’s health services than young people themselves. The NHS Youth Forum is a wide group of young people making their voices heard within NHS England through taking part in loads of different opportunities. 

A boy and his support working looking through some paperwork

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A group of young people sitting on sofas, discussing ideas

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