A blonde woman reads to a girl with dark brown hair who is tucked up in bed.

Is this the right time for you to foster?

Published on
18 December 2024

Thinking about fostering but not sure if now is the right time? You’re not alone.

Many of our foster carers felt the same way at first. To help you decide, some of them are sharing their personal experiences and advice.

Fostering can feel like a big decision but taking that first step can change a childhood and a life, for both you and one of the thousands of children waiting for safe, happy foster homes.

What to think about before you start fostering

If you’re considering fostering, our foster carers emphasise the importance of doing your research. Leanne from Wales started fostering with us in early 2024 and is currently fostering a teenager. She recommends talking to other foster carers and trying to find out as much as you can about their experiences. If you don’t yet know anyone who fosters, our local teams organise regular events where you can put your questions to both foster carers and our specialists who’ll be there to support you 24/7 if you choose to foster with us. Contact your local fostering team to find out more about events near you.

Find out as much as possible before deciding and don’t just stop at the first hurdle. My first concern was work but my company are really supportive, and I’ve managed to juggle fostering with work by choosing to look after older children.


Leanne also recommends that you don’t automatically rule yourself out if you encounter a reason that makes you think you can’t foster. There may be a way that you could still provide a safe and loving home. If that’s you we’d love to talk to you and answer your questions.

Nervous to take the first step?

There is a huge demand, and I think for anyone thinking about it is please just make that enquiry, reach out, get your name forward, start the process and don’t be frightened off by it. If you’re thinking about it, that’s the biggest step done.


We know deciding to welcome a child or young person into your life is a big step to take so we want you to know we’re here to support you throughout the process. With our round-the-clock helpline, expert training, financial support and incredible community of foster carers there's lots of reasons to choose to foster with us. Find out more about the support we offer foster carers.

Emma and her partner live in the north of England and have been fostering for three years. They are approved short and long-term foster carers and are currently fostering a young person through a short-term placement. Although becoming a foster carer is an important decision that needs to be carefully considered, Emma says you shouldn’t let yourself be put off. “Don’t get overwhelmed by the bigger picture and the bigger thought of it. If you are in any way curious about it, about whether you could just start the process, take it one step at a time and see where it goes.”

How do you know it’s the right time to foster?

“It's very personal,” answers Emma. “It's like asking someone when the right time is to have children or get married. Everyone has a different idea. If you have the slightest idea, or feeling, or interest in it just do a call. And know that even if you start the process, you can stop it.”

Leanne agrees, “There is no perfect time, just when it feels right.” 

Ready to find out more? Set up your no-pressure call now and let’s explore how fostering could be the right step for you.

Two foster mums sit either side of a young child, the three of them are drawing on a large sheet of paper

Could you be a foster carer?

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“She said my home had been her happy place”

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Let's talk fostering, with Sharon and Tim

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