Young girl sitting on a chair

Caitlin's story

Caitlin, aged 13, is a Year 8 pupil who received support with her confidence and to help her re-engage in education, through See, Hear, Respond. Her mother has health issues and was experiencing financial hardship during this period. Caitlin described the challenges of caring for her mum coupled with a lack of appropriate technology to continue her education during lockdown until Barnardo’s provided her with a computer:

It’s definitely stressful, getting supplies for the house… Even before COVID, Mum didn’t go out, but then online shopping was tougher to access. I couldn’t access the [school] work during quarantine [… because] I had issues with my computer. But then they gave me a new one.

Caitlin described how the support she received from her support worker has helped to alleviate some of these challenges: "Talking to [my support worker], it’s different to talking to my Mum.. I can relate with [her].… [She] always says if I’m upset, I can just call her."

The supporter worker also worked with the family to address some of their financial challenges around outstanding bills, as well as working to improve Caitlin’s mental health and well-being. Caitlin’s mum described their experience: "This was the best and quickest help we’ve had. It’s not just about financial support – when someone also takes care of your mental health, it’s so important."

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