Gillian and Megan, two foster carers smiling in a selfie

"There’s a family feel to fostering with Barnardo’s”: Gillian and Megan share their experiences of fostering

Gillian and Megan are sisters-in-law from Portaferry and Newtownabbey in Northern Ireland. With 13 children and several years of fostering experience between them, they’re sharing their thoughts on welcoming children into their family homes.

Gillian has three birth children, one adopted son and one foster daughter who will soon be adopted. Megan has three birth children. She has also fostered three little girls and provided day care for two sisters over the past three years. When she started fostering she had some concerns about how her birth children, aged 7, 11 and 13, would find the experience but she didn't need to worry. "I am so proud of my birth children. We said we’ll give it a go and if it's too hard on the kids, we'll come back to it in the future. But we have no regrets. They speak about it so fondly and positively," she says.

Megan and Gillian have a large extended family, who act as a great support network for them. The family are very welcoming and open to the children that are in and out of their lives. “They also experience the heartbreak that comes when they leave,” says Gillian. 

Listen to Megan and Gillian talk to Vanessa from our fostering and adoption team in Northern Ireland.

The mixed feelings at the end of a foster care placement 

How long a foster placement lasts depends on the type of care the child might need. We offer different types of foster care ranging from a night or a week, to a month, or sometimes years. The pair say that when a placement comes to an end they experience happiness knowing a child is moving on to a more permanent home. But there is also sadness when it comes to them leaving.  

When we talk to people about fostering, they say things like, ‘I couldn’t let them go’, and it is a really difficult part of fostering, but you do let them go, and it breaks your heart, but then you welcome the next child into your family.


Sometimes there is a real connection with a child and it can feel like a bereavement when it’s time for them to move on. Megan shares that she sobbed bringing one particular child back to her birth parents. She says “I cried for weeks, we all did. There was a lot of sadness around letting her go, but also a lot of happiness because she was able to return to her birth parents and grandparents. Truthfully, it was probably worse than any death we’ve experienced. But we’d do it again, and we are doing it again.”  

The feeling of giving a child a loving home is greater than any loss we feel afterwards.


Megan and Gillian are encouraging anyone who has considered fostering to get in touch with Barnardo’s.

The benefits of fostering with us 

There’s a family feel to fostering with Barnardo’s. All the social workers know us and they're very protective of us. They will never ask us to go beyond our capabilities.


The pair feel the training the received helped prepare them to support the children they’d be caring for. They completed initial training and then a further course on how trauma can affect a child. 

Barnardo's are so open to what you need and what kind of training you think would be suitable for your own situation. 


As well as our foster carer training, they also said the availability of our 24-hour helpline made them feel that there was always support on offer, whenever it was needed.   

Through the training they got to know other foster carers and were able to share experiences. Gillian says “The peer support that you get within the training is nearly as valuable as the training itself. It’s so valuable speaking to other foster carers and realising that they might be facing the same issues as you.” 

Start your fostering journey 

Megan and Gillian are urging anyone considering fostering to get in touch with us to find out more about becoming a foster carer

It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.


A foster mum and daughter smiling together

Become a foster carer

For over 100 years, we’ve changed hundreds of thousands of children’s lives for the better though our fostering services. Become a foster carer and be part of our story. Complete our online form or find details about alternative contact methods to start your journey.

A girl smiling next to a smiling woman in a Barnardo's lanyard

Why foster with us?

When you foster with us, we are with you every step of the way. Our expert and friendly staff are on hand to provide training and 24/7 support to all our carers. We also know financial support is important, especially in the current climate 

A man and woman embrace as they smile for the camera

"I'm living proof that fostering makes a difference"

When James was 14 he was put into emergency foster care. Thanks to some dedicated carers and a supportive Barnardo’s project worker he was able to thrive. He’s now a Barnardo’s project worker, using his experiences to help other young people.

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