Three teen girls taking a selfie

How we helped Levi feel hopeful for the future

Levi, a young carer who supports her aunt, shares her experience of how we’ve made a big difference in her life.

Levi has been caring for her aunt since she was 15. Her aunt, who has severe anxiety and other physical and mental health challenges, needs Levi’s help to get to medical appointments and manage her day. 

Levi was finding it hard to balance college and caring for her aunt, so her aunt called her college and said that Levi needed support. Her college knew we could help, so they made a referral.  

Making life feel a little bit lighter for Levi 

“The first time I came to the Young Adult Carers group, I was very nervous about what to expect, but as soon as I met the other young people, I felt at ease,” Levi explained. “At Barnardo's, there’s a really friendly and welcoming environment. The support workers go out of their way to make you feel like you belong. Before I joined, I had several one-to-one sessions with Jeanette, who is my main support worker and coordinator of the group. She was able to put a plan in place, which has meant I’ve been able to get a lot more support at college.  

“When a young person has caring responsibilities, it’s often the little things that can make a big difference in their day. My college day starts at 9 am, but my aunt has regular medical appointments in the morning. I frequently have to go with her in a taxi and then be around to pick her up afterwards. It can sometimes take up to three hours, so it’s far better for me to study at home on these days than be at college.”  

Because my college now recognises that I’m a young carer, they understand that occasionally I do need a bit more flexibility to manage my workload. As a young carer, ultimately, you always feel responsible for someone else’s health, and at times, it can feel overwhelming.


Young carer

“One of the best things about Barnardo’s is that they know how to ease the burden and make life feel a little bit lighter. Jeanette and the team always make sure my aunt is okay, and this in turn gives her reassurance and confidence.” 

When I’m at Barnardo's, I don’t need to worry or stress. Barnardo’s provides that safe space where I can be myself and hang out with other young carers. 


Young carer

“There's never any pressure to talk about the person you're caring for. You can just ask for advice and tips in a way that’s easier for young people to do than at school or college, as these are very formal environments.”  

“I feel more hopeful and positive about the future” 

“Through Barnardo’s, I’ve been able to make great friends. During the holidays, we’re able to have days out and trips. Last year, we went to a local forest, learned a range of woodland skills, and took part in games. We also did a candle-making workshop. I found it relaxing to just be creative and experience something that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to do. 

“Because of Barnardo's, I feel more hopeful and positive about the future. Even though I’m a young carer, it’s not the defining aspect of my life. I’m thinking of studying sports journalism at university once I finish college. I enjoy discussing with my friends in the group our plans for what we all want to do in the next few years. When we come together at Barnardo's, ultimately, it feels like we’re a team. We have fun, but we’re also there for each other. We’re a family.” 

A girl smiling, looking at two friends

How we supported young carer Laura so she could get started on her dream career

When Laura*, 19, started taking on more caring responsibilities for her gran, she hadn’t realised she had become a young carer. Laura shares how important getting support from Barnardo’s has been to give her the opportunities needed to get into the career she’s always wanted. 

A teen girl laughing at a table over hot drinks with her Barnardo's support worker and some paperwork

Young carers

You might be a young carer without even knowing. If you’re under 18 and help look after someone with an illness, disability, or substance abuse problem, we can help you. We’ve put together support and guidance to make sure you’re living your life to the full, whatever that means to you.

A family making breakfast in the kitchen

Support and advice for families with young carers

We know that for families who have young people with caring responsibilities, the pressures have greatly increased. We want you to know that you don’t have to deal with this alone.