Sophie standing in a field looking over a sunrise

How we helped Sophie get back to doing what she loves

17-year-old Sophie was struggling with a lack of motivation and feeling low and anxious. In April 2023, she spoke about her mental health with her GP who referred her to our Cumbria LINK service to get support with her emotional wellbeing.

“All the things I usually enjoyed became dull” 

After being referred to our Cumbria LINK service, LINK support worker Becky got in touch with Sophie to talk about what she needed support with. Sophie shared that she had lost all motivation for the things she used to love doing. She was no longer attending college and although she had always had a passion for art, nature, and horses – she didn’t want to get involved with anything anymore. 

Thinking back to when she was struggling with her mental health, Sophie says, “On the worst days, I isolated myself and would have panic attacks which would last nearly all day. When it wasn’t a panic attack, I would feel numb and have no interest in anything. All the things I usually enjoyed became dull and life in general seemed plain and tiring.” 

“I felt this way on and off throughout my teenage years but this time, it wasn’t going away. I wanted help to feel happier, less anxious, and more motivated.” 

Helping Sophie build her confidence  

In May 2023, Becky began seeing Sophie for one-to-one sessions at home so they could get to know each other and develop a trusting relationship. During their time together, Becky helped Sophie build her self-esteem and confidence through creative activities. 

She supported Sophie to join the Barnardo’s LINK summer activity programme where Sophie got involved in fun activities like bowling, a visit to a local animal refuge, a sports and activity day, and a Japanese arts and craft afternoon.  

Eventually, Sophie started to open up and began sharing her thoughts and feelings about her past trauma and the possible reasons for her anxiety and feeling low. “I felt very isolated at the time, and I wanted to have more social interactions. I felt stuck and didn’t know what to do in life or what my purpose was,” she explains. 

My support worker gave me lots of different ways to calm myself down which helped loads. Learning how and why people feel like I did helped me to understand my feelings better and helped me control my emotions.


“The summer activity programme got me out of the house and kept me active. It helped me socialise and become comfortable with participating in fun games,” Sophie says. 

Support through a mental health crisis 

Sophie’s mental health journey has had its ups and downs, and her needs escalated when she began experiencing self-harm urges and suicidal thoughts.  

We supported Sophie during her time of need, and she and her family were signposted to our service’s crisis team where she completed a safety plan with Becky.  

Sophie petting a pony behind a fence
Sophie visiting an animal refuge

With support from her GP and Becky, Sophie gradually began to feel better. She took daily walks with her dog, redecorated her bedroom – even building her own furniture – and developed a new interest in houseplants and horticulture. 

“I knew I felt better when I was getting out and doing things I enjoyed, so it was important that I kept a connection with the community and followed my interests in nature, animals, and horses. So, me and my LINK worker began revisiting the animal refuge that I’d enjoyed in the summer.” 

Sophie told Becky that she wanted a safe and supportive way to find purpose and make friends, so she was also referred to ‘Growing Well’ - a specialist mental health intervention that champions mental health recovery through volunteering, outdoor activities, gardening activities and an organic market. 

“Growing Well helped me get out of the house at least once a week and build my confidence in a group setting. Everyone was really nice and welcoming, so I never felt alone or had to worry about what to do.” 

“Sophie has the tools she needs to take control of her own mental health” 

Today, Sophie is doing well and her mental health is improving. “While it’s still not brilliant and I have my good and bad days, my mental health is improving all the time. I am able to do the things I enjoy doing and actually look forward to going outside with friends or taking my dog out for a walk,” she says. 

I would say to other young people who are struggling with their mental health - don’t give up. Things may seem hard at the moment and might not seem worth it, but it gets better. Improving mental health is not a race, take it slow and focus on yourself.


Sophie now has hopes and dreams for the future including learning to drive and pursuing a career as a veterinary nurse or in social care. 

Her LINK worker Becky says, “Sophie is an amazing, courageous, and determined young woman who is thriving. She has the tools she needs to take control of her own mental health and cope when times become challenging.” 

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, we’re here to help.  

A teen boy smiling at his phone while sitting on a park bench

Get help for your mental health

Everyone has mental health and sometimes you can struggle with how you feel. You’re not alone and help is available. We offer lots of services to help you look after your mental health. This can include help in school, play therapy, or counselling.

A mum colouring with her daughter

Supporting your child's mental health

Is your child struggling with difficult thoughts or feelings? Whether you’re a parent, carer, or guardian, it's important that you're able to support the young person in your life – and we’re here to help. 

Young man who feels low

Self-harm in children and young people

If your child is self-harming, or you’re worried they might be, it can be incredibly upsetting. Maybe you’re worried about what to say or how to approach the situation. Remember that usually self-harm is someone’s way of dealing with difficult feelings or experiences and, with the right support, recovery is possible.