A smiling gay couple outside of their house

“It changes your life, but it changes your life for the better”: Phil and Andy’s experience

Phil and Andy live in the North of England and have experienced a lot of change in their lives since adopting two siblings with our help. The couple talk about their experience with adoption through Barnardo’s and explain why more people should consider it as an option when thinking about starting a family. 

Families come in all shapes and sizes, but Phil and Andy chose to adopt. “We did talk about surrogacy, but actually we didn’t look into it much as the biology doesn’t matter to us,” Phil says. “I think we both understood that children with stability and routine can form attachments and that was what was more important.” 

In 2019, the couple reached out to us to find out more about adoption. “From walking through the door and seeing a social worker on our first meeting with Barnardo’s, it was very relaxed and really informative,” Andy explains. “They told us everything we needed to know at that point and then things just progressed from there. We still keep in touch, and we are always made to feel welcomed every time we visit.” 

Support along the adoption journey 

Once they got started on their adoption journey with us, Phil and Andy joined a group of other adopters for training and together they created a support network. “You can sometimes feel a little bit isolated during the process but then when you start doing the training and meeting other people, you find out that everyone has different circumstances and motivations for wanting to adopt which is really good to hear about,” Andy says. 

“The training was important to get us to think more about our journey and what challenges children in care face and how you approach them. We were the only same-sex couple in the group, but we still were made to feel welcome with everybody,” Phil continues. 

At the start, Phil and Andy hadn’t considered adopting siblings but after finding out more about the benefits of keeping brothers and sisters together, they decided it was an option for them. “The bond siblings have is so important and there are a lot of siblings within the care system, so for us, it was important to keep them together because you can never replace what they share with each other,” Andy says.  

[Adoption] provides them with stability, routine and a safe environment, and it doesn’t just change our lives, it changes our family’s life.


Adoptive dad

What it’s like raising adopted siblings 

Four years on, Phil, Andy and their two children are enjoying life as a family, knowing that they can count on our support if they ever need it. “Years after, we’ve reached out to our social worker to discuss some of our challenges, and we’ve gotten additional support,” Andy says. “Just having that constant connection and knowing that support is always there is great.” 

Thinking about their children’s personal development, Phil says, “What I get the most enjoyment from is seeing what they’re interested in. They do have similar interests, but now as they get older, they are finding different ones like horse riding and football so it’s nice to see their development as well as individuals.” 

Seeing them develop and expand their interests and progress in the things that they enjoy and love – you do get so much joy out of that, you really do.


Adoptive dad

When asked if they’d recommend adoption to other people looking to start families, Andy says, “I’m really in favour of adoption being the number one option for people to consider,” Phil says. “You just take a different perspective on life – the kids become your everything.” 

“Everyone has their own reasons for pursuing different family routes.” Andy continues. “For me, adoption has supported so many children who need forever families and I think particularly LGBT+ couples are in a prime position to hopefully support as many children as possible.” 

*Names have been changed and models used to protect the identities of the families we support. 

Two girls hugging and smiling

Adopt a child

We're looking for people to make a positive difference to the lives of children and young people who need a loving family. Whether you’re single or married, whatever your age, ethnicity, religion, culture, background or gender, a homeowner or renting, straight, lesbian, gay, trans or bisexual, it doesn’t matter.

A man smiling at a table with a disabled boy

Adoption process

We understand that the decision to adopt is a huge step and so we'll provide you with support every step of the way. On average it takes six months to become an approved adoptive parent - but we believe you can do it, and so should you.

A smiling gay couple with their smiling adopted sons

LGBT+ adoption stories

Barnardo’s has supported the LGBT+ community for decades. We proudly believe any loving person can make a wonderful parent to a child in need of a stable, supportive home.