Man and women smiling to camera

James: “I'm living proof that fostering makes a difference"

When James was 14 he was put into emergency foster care. Thanks to some dedicated carers and a supportive Barnardo’s project worker he was able to finish school and college, get a place of his own and start his career. He’s now a Barnardo’s project worker, using his experiences to help other young people. Here he shares his story.  

As a Barnardo’s project worker in the West Midlands, James’ works with emergency family placements, often with children and young people going through the legal system. “I love being able to help and support young people. I know how important foster care can be – because I had it myself. "  

"I had both emergency foster care and long-term foster care when I was a teenager. I had the support of a Barnardo’s project worker up until I was 21. I got a lot of support and I want to give that back. I feel like I’m living proof of the work that Barnardo’s does. I came through the system and came out on top.”  

The challenges of adjusting to life in foster care

The experience of going into foster care can be very challenging for a young person. Suddenly living life far away from family and friends is difficult. Even when the foster placement is a supportive and positive environment, you can’t help but miss home. James’ explains those conflicting feelings of a teenager adjusting to life in foster care.   

"The first place I stayed was in Coventry. My carer was called Julie. She was very welcoming. I had a bath, set up my PlayStation and played in my room. I had school the next day. I was there for about four weeks. I was quite resentful – I felt like my home and my friends had been taken away from me." 

"I was happy at Julie’s. I was a lot more relaxed because I wasn’t arguing every day. But I wanted to go home. " 

"After a month at Julie’s I was placed with a long-term carer – a woman called Maria* and her partner. I settled in nicely. I didn’t have a choice though and I still wanted to go home.”   

Maria was great. I have positive memories. I got a lot of help and support. We went on holiday together. I was trusted.

"It was easy going right from the beginning. Of course, we had disagreements. I tried to run away one time because I had a curfew! But I treasured being there to be honest. It was very warm, the way the made me feel.” 

The extra support of a Barnardo’s personal advisor

James was supported by us whilst living in foster care, and so had access to a personal advisor to support him in navigating life even after he had to leave his foster family. 

“My Barnardo’s personal advisor was really supportive. She’s given me support through some of the most important times of my life."

If I hadn’t had great foster carers and support from Barnardo’s? Things could have gone either way to be honest.

Many young people leaving care lose access to support once they turn at 18 and have to leave foster care to live independently. This is why we at Barnardo’s offer additional support and campaign for changes to the care system.

Choosing to work at Barnardo's

After trying a couple of other professions, James started working with Barnardo's. 

"I see through my work at Barnardo’s there’s a shortage of carers today. People don’t realise the difference they can make.”  

I’m living proof of what can happen with the right support and the right foster carers. A lot of children don’t get that support. 

“These days I work on two Barnardo’s projects, supporting children and young people who have found themselves in difficult situations. A lot of these children and young people are really scared so the job is about showing empathy and understanding. Because of my own experiences I’ve got a really good insight into what they’re going through."  

"A good foster carer can help the child become better. If someone was to ask me if they should consider becoming a foster carer I would a hundred per cent say yes. A million per cent! I’m not saying that because I work for Barnardo’s. I’m saying that because the support I had, the foster carers I had – without them I wouldn’t be here today. I could have gone the opposite way. Foster carers can really change a child’s life.”  

 *Names have been changed to protect privacy.  

A woman with a child on her lap and another next to her, smiles.

Become a foster carer

For over 100 years, Barnardo’s has changed hundreds of thousands of children’s lives for the better though our fostering services. Become a foster carer and be part of our story. Complete our online form or find details about alternative contact methods to start your journey. 

A man and a teenage boy fix a bicycle together

Why foster with us? 

When you foster with us, we are with you every step of the way. Our expert and friendly staff are on hand to provide training and 24/7 support to all our carers. We also know financial support is important, especially in the current climate.

A girl laughs with a Barnardo's project worker wearing a green lanyard

Fostering process 

Deciding to foster is a big decision to make. But we’re here to help. Here, we answer some of the most common questions about how you become a foster carer.