Natalie*, a mum of three, first started coming to her local Barnardo’s children’s centre nine years ago. After getting some much-needed support for her family through the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis, she’s found herself a new career as a family support worker where she uses her own experience to help other families.
"I realised I wasn’t alone”
Natalie’s three children, aged between four and eight, have been coming to us since they were babies. “My oldest son has autism which is something that Barnardo’s has helped massively with,” she explains. “The staff are so lovely, and they know the kids well. When my eldest reached two, it was clear he seemed different compared to the other children.”
Learning that your child has autism can be really difficult for a parent to process, but Barnardo’s were brilliant at helping me get support not just for him but also for myself.
“The staff realised I was struggling and when I was able to tell them about how I was feeling, it gave me such a sense of relief. The weight was lifted off my shoulders. I realised I wasn’t alone.
“Through Barnardo’s, I’ve been able to meet other parents with autistic children. As a group we’re able to give each other support and just be there for each other.”
How we supported Natalie’s family through the cost-of-living crisis
When the pandemic and then the cost-of-living crisis hit, that’s when things really started getting tough for Natalie and her family. “My husband became unemployed and instantly we lost our main source of income. We registered for Universal Credit, but it takes around five weeks before you receive your first payment.
“During this time, Barnardo’s provided us with supermarket vouchers and helped to top up the gas and electricity. The children’s centre staff were also able to work with a local butcher who was able to provide vouchers so families at the children’s centre could buy meat and poultry.”
If it hadn’t been for Barnardo’s, we literally wouldn’t have survived.
Natalie remembers a special family day to the zoo that we helped out with. “Barnardo’s covered the cost of the transport and where we went for lunch. This worked out perfectly as it meant my son could get the meal he wanted.
“The kids had never been to a zoo, and it was such a magical day. We couldn’t afford a day out for the summer school holidays, but the kids felt so proud when they started the new school term and were able to tell their friends about all the animals they had seen. We felt like a normal family.”
Why Natalie’s taking on a career supporting other families
“I honestly can’t thank Barnardo’s enough for the support they have provided to me and my family over the years,” she says. “There have been times when I’ve arrived in tears, but the staff are outstanding. They pick you up and make you feel great.”
Now that she’s in a better place, Natalie has found the confidence to start a career as a family support worker. “This wouldn’t have been possible without Barnardo’s and realising that I needed support for my own mental health following my son’s diagnosis.
“They were able to refer me to a therapist who advised that I needed to have something just for me. My husband now cares for my eldest when I’m at work and it’s a change that’s worked really well for the family.
“Being able to use my own experience to help other families is really rewarding, but when I’m at Barnardo’s, it’s separate from work because it gives me that time and space to have a coffee and be me.”
When I walk through the door and see the Barnardo’s green sign, it feels like a breath of fresh air and a break. I can relax and chat with the staff and other parents, and it just makes you feel like part of a wider family.
“Whatever the challenge you’re dealing with, there’s never any judgement at Barnardo’s. It's simply an amazing place to belong and the best bunch of people you’re ever going to meet,” she says.
*Name has been changed to protect the identities of the families we help

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