Two young boys laying on the floor by a Christmas tree

“Without the support of Barnardo’s, we wouldn’t have had a Christmas”

Lauren and Mitch are two parents living with their two energetic boys, *James and Jordan, in the east of England. They are a lovely, positive family and the boys like to run around and spend time playing in the park with their parents.When you meet Lauren and Mitch, you wouldn’t know the struggles they have been through, but last Christmas they reached crisis point.

“The past few years have been really difficult”, Lauren explains. “James and Jordan have complex needs, and that’s not something you expect to face as parents. James is very sensitive to noise and needs to wear ear defenders in noisy places. He enjoys playing with his sensory toys and these help with his learning and development. 

“When you have children with complex needs, life becomes very expensive. As a family, we’ve always struggled to make ends meet, but when Mitch was made redundant two days before Christmas last year, that’s when everything started to spiral. Our money was running out. I was stressing so much about the fact that my kids wouldn’t be able to have a Christmas. We couldn’t afford presents or even food. No festive celebration, no Christmas dinner. I couldn’t bear thinking about it.” 

“Barnardo’s has made such a big difference to us” 

When Lauren started using her local Barnardo’s Family Hub in 2021 for parenting support, she was matched with a Barnardo's support worker called Megan. It meant Lauren had a trusted person who could really look out for her.

In the run up to Christmas, Megan realised that the family was facing a financial crisis. She quickly made an application to Barnardo’s Child Poverty Fund and made sure Lauren and Mitch were able to get the items they needed to provide James and Jordan with the Christmas Day they didn’t think was possible. 

The vouchers that we received from Barnardo’s meant we were able to pay for food so we could have a Christmas dinner and have a Christmas tree.


“Barnardo’s has made such a big difference to us and has helped us out so much”, Lauren says. “Without the support Barnardo’s and Megan were able to provide, we wouldn’t have had a Christmas. The vouchers that we received from Barnardo’s meant we were able to pay for food so we could have a Christmas dinner and have a Christmas tree. I was able to buy presents for the boys. Even wrapping paper was something I would have struggled to afford if it hadn’t been for Barnardo’s.” 

Supporting Lauren and Mitch to feel hopeful for the future 

It’s not just the financial side of things where Barnardo’s has helped. It’s on the emotional side too. 

“Megan has been so brilliant", says Lauren. “She’s given me the confidence to know that I am a good mum.  I’m really grateful for all the practical support she has given me. 

“Through Barnardo's, we have been able to learn about how to budget and manage money in a way that means if the unexpected happens, we can ride out the storm. I feel more positive and confident about myself, and the boys are more sociable too. Their school attendance has improved. Barnardo’s has helped me manage their medical appointments and home visits. 

“There was a time in my life when I would turn down any support offered or just not acknowledge it, but my life has changed so much for the better since accepting help. If you have it offered, take it, because it’s worth it. Barnardo’s was the start of everything improving in our lives. Mitch has been able to find a new job and I’ve started working part-time for my stepfather’s car hire business.” 

“Without that support, we wouldn’t be here today”, Mitch says. “Megan has been amazing. I think for a lot of people, particularly dads, they often don’t like to talk about challenges they’re facing, whether it’s financial, emotional, or both. 

“But when you look at TikTok, you can see more and more people talking openly about their challenges, and I think that’s a great thing. Attitudes are changing, and I honestly think it’s a good thing to seek help when you need it because it could make a big difference in your life, like it has in mine. 

Attitudes are changing, and I honestly think it’s a good thing to seek help when you need it because it could make a big difference in your life, like it has in mine.


“Barnardo’s is an amazing charity. We couldn’t have done it without them. I hope more people can give generously to Barnardo’s so the charity can keep on helping other families who're struggling this Christmas." 

  *Names have been changed to protect the identities of the families we help   

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