Young girl looking at camera

If we can change a childhood, we can change a life

For too many children, childhood is fraught with dangerous and distressing experiences that can have lifelong consequences, if they don’t get the right help, at the right time. 

Young girl caregiver with arms folded
Without Barnardo's, I'd feel scared and lonely.

A young person, caring for their mum

From providing much-needed breaks for young carers to counselling for children who’ve experienced trauma, every Barnardo’s service focuses on nurturing children as individuals.

Sign up to our newsletter to learn how people like you are helping us to change childhoods.

We currently work with 356,200 children and families, and do whatever is needed to help young people live the lives they deserve.

We run 760 services in communities, working to build stronger families, safer childhoods and positive futures. We do this through counselling and long-term support for children who have been abused. We also manage supported lodgings for care leavers, arrange vocational training for young people, and run many other vital services.

But none of our work would be possible without the generosity of people like you.

Pie chart showing how much money is spent on working with children and young people (94p in every pound)

How your money helps 

For every pound we spend (excluding retail costs) approximately:

  • 94p goes on working with the children and young people who need it most

  • Less than 1p goes on investment management costs

  • And the remaining amount – just over 5p - on raising the next £1

For full details of how we’re funded look at our latest annual report.

Models have been used in order to protect children's identities. 

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