Barnardo's Training

About Barnardo's training

At Barnardo’s, we work directly with 358,800 children, young people, parents and carers every year and run over 800 vital services across the UK.

We understand the difficulties organisations are facing in times of continuous change and where services are coping with increased demands and competing priorities. Barnardo’s Training and Consultancy provide high quality and high impact training that supports commissioners to deliver safe services and have a skilled, knowledgeable workforce.  Our delivery has a clear focus on listening to the voices of children and young people and child centred, promoting young people’s well-being, and safeguarding them from harm. Our work with some of the most vulnerable groups means we are well placed to understand both needs and challenges and to offer training and consultancy support to others.

We have a strong reputation in the children’s services sector for our Training and Consultancy provision. We also have a well-established business model which includes a core team of salaried staff and a pool of Associates; our consultants are properly vetted, inducted and supported. We are experienced in working on a collaborative basis tailored to the needs of a situation and approach work by seeking to combine the well-recognised expertise of the commissioner with Barnardo’s considerable experience in safeguarding. 

Our training arm of the business delivers over 700 safeguarding training days a year for providers in the private, public and voluntary sector.  We have substantial experience in managing numerous large scale contracts working nationally and locally. 

Online training

We are able to offer a range of online solutions to you so you can continue to support the learning and development needs of your workforce as well as staff care and support. Our Training arm of the business can provide a range of solutions online including facilitated groups, hosted classrooms, webinars and e-learning solutions.       

Barnardo’s commitment to work in partnership

Barnardo’s team are committed to ensuring we have a good understanding of your identified needs and are able to organise and schedule our Training provision in accordance with commissioner’s needs.  We would be pleased to hold an initial discussion regarding your requirements at the outset.

Barnardo’s approach

Barnardo’s will agree outcomes and outputs for any learning opportunity and will be clear about the best methodology for delivery. Our Training Consultants are supported by and report to our Training Manager.  

We pride ourselves on wanting to really understand commissioner requirements and providing solutions which improve the lives of the most vulnerable children and young people.  Our evidence based training is bespoke to each commission and in line with contemporary safeguarding practice with the most up to date research and legislative requirements.

To enquire please contact us: - [email protected]

We can offer accredited and endorsed programmes by CPD.

CPD logo

If you are worried about a child or vulnerable adult

Barnardo's BTC Service is a provider of safeguarding training and consultancy who wish to purchase our services.

If you are worried about a child please contact Barnardo's Head of Safeguarding ([email protected]), who will direct you to an appropriate Barnardo's Lead Manager in the region/nation where you live.

For more information see our get help page.

You can also visit your local authority children and adults social care websites for the details of the local safeguarding hub and enquiry details available to both the public & to professional.

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