A girl sits at a table laughing with a Barnardo's worker

Change a life

Help improve children's lives

Barnardo’s is one of the leading children’s charities in the UK. Every year, we provide ongoing support for over 370,000 children, young people, parents and carers, through our services and partnerships.

We know the reality of children’s lives is constantly shifting – and so are the difficulties they face. Whether it’s struggling to afford the basics due to the cost-of-living crisis, or unsuitable accommodation. With your support Barnardo’s can support children and families that need us most.  

Together, we can change childhoods, and lives. Please donate to Barnardo’s now. 

About Barnardo's

At Barnardo’s, we protect, support and nurture children and young people. Over 150 years, we’ve built up a network of services throughout the UK in local communities. Last year, Barnardo’s and partners helped over 370,000 children, young people and parents. We are the UK’s largest children’s charity with nearly 800 services. The scale of what we do may be big, but our aim is simple – to provide the best outcome for every child, no matter who they are or what they have been through. Whatever happens, we don’t give up on children. We are there for as long as it takes.

Registered with Fundraising Regulator

Thank you for believing in children

Pie chart showing how much money is spent on working with children and young people (94p in every pound)

For every pound we spend (excluding retail costs) approximately:

  • 94p goes on working with the children and young people who need it most

  • Less than 1p goes on investment management costs

  • And the remaining amount – just over 5p - on raising the next £1

For full details of how we’re funded look at our latest annual report.

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