A group of runners taking part in the London Landmarks Half Marathon. The houses of Parliament and the London Eye are in the background.

London Landmarks Half Marathon 2025

Event type Running

About the London Landmarks Half Marathon

The London Landmarks Half Marathon offers a fantastic central London route, passing by iconic landmarks including St Paul’s Cathedral, Nelson’s Column, Monument, and the Tower of London. With musical performances, DJs, dancers, and a grand finish on Whitehall just outside Downing Street, this event is one you don't want to miss.

6 April 2025
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Entry fee:
Minimum sponsorship:

How to enter

Do you need a place? 

We'd love you to join our team and take one of our charity places in the London Landmarks Half Marathon. We ask for a £30 registration fee and minimum fundraising target of £350 to support our work with children across the UK.

Do you already have a place?

If you've got your own place in the London Landmarks Half Marathon through the event organisers you can still join Team Barnardo’s for free. We just ask that you raise as much as you can to support our work with young people. 

Why join Team Barnardo’s? 

As part of Team Barnardo's, you'll get: 

  • a high-performance Barnardo's vest or t-shirt 

  • a fundraising pack filled with top tips and ideas 

  • training support from endurance experts, Running With Us 

  • constant support and advice from the Barnardo's Events Team 

Two women holding Barnardo's collection buckets

Need help with fundraising? 

Be a force for good while having fun and raising money. Run, bake, skydive, leap-frog - do something you love to help support children and young people.

A man in a Barnardo's running shirt smiles standing in a park

"I didn't realise just how important and life-changing Barnardo's support is until [...] my own family needed help."

Jason, a teacher and adoptive dad, talks about his experience of training for the London Marathon and explains why he decided to fundraise for us.

A young man and young woman volunteering in a charity shop

Other ways to get involved with us

When you change a childhood, you change a life. If you're not ready to fundraise learn about other ways you can help children, young people and families across the UK feel safer, happier, healthier and more hopeful.