Fostering in North West England

Help transform a life

We believe you can foster

If you live in North West England and are interested in fostering a child, we're here to help. We cover the areas of Cumbria, Cheshire, Lancashire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside including Liverpool.

Here at Barnardo's North West Fostering Service, our team of dedicated social workers will support you throughout the whole of your fostering journey. Our OFSTED grade is Good.

The rewards are huge. Knowing you've made a difference to a vulnerable child's life is something that will stay with you forever.

Get in touch

We can talk you through the fostering process and answer all your questions.

  • fill in our simple enquiry form below
  • call us on 0151 294 2133
  • email us at [email protected]
  • visit our Facebook page
  • write to us at Barnardo's North West, BUSINESS FIRST, BLOCK B, ROOM 110, 23 GOODLASS ROAD, LIVERPOOL, L24 9HJ
Young person with toddler

Foster a child

Fostering is a way of providing a family life and home for children who cannot live with their own parents. There are many different reasons why families start to foster but they all wish to make a difference to the lives of children and young people in care.


Fostering stories

We welcome foster carers from all walks of life, and all backgrounds. Read more from people who have fostered with Barnardo's about their experience and motivation. 

A young girl and a woman sit talking on a bench in a park

Types of foster care

We provide several types of fostering to ensure we can support and meet each child and young person’s individual needs. This can range from offering a planned break for a young person to try new experiences, to offering a child a stable and loving family setting for several months or years.  

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