Can I change from my foster care agency to Barnardo's?
If you are a foster carer who is already registered with a fostering agency, you may be considering transferring to a different organisation. You have the right to do this, and Barnardo’s can help you make the right choice for you and your family.
By transferring to Barnardo’s you will become part of a team in the largest children’s charity in the UK, with over 100 years’ experience of providing homes for children and young people with the right families.
We follow the guidance in the Fostering Network's Transfer Protocols. These protocols guide the way fostering services should manage the movement of foster carers between services and help ensure children and young people are safe and their foster placements stable.
We are passionate about making a positive difference to the lives of the children and young people we support, as well as our foster carers. We offer a comprehensive preparation, training and support fostering programme. We also provide a 24/7 support helpline support staffed by qualified and experienced Barnardo’s family placement social workers . Barnardo's offer generous financial support, including a taxable income as well as a weekly allowance to help with the cost of looking after a child.
If you live in Wales you may choose to move to Barnardo’s from your current agency as profit-making, independent fostering agencies will not be allowed to operate in Wales from 2027. This is part of Welsh Government’s commitment to eliminating profit from care. As a charity, Barnardo’s will continue to provide fostering services and will be happy to support anyone wishing to switch at any time.
Learn more about why you should choose Barnardo's as your fostering service.
How do I transfer from my current fostering agency to Barnardo's?
You can contact your local service for a discussion. Find your local fostering service.
Alternatively, you can make an enquiry about transferring to us by completing our form.
How long will the transfer process take?
As you are already an approved foster carer we will be able to fast-track your application.
We will invite you to relevant training such as our Skills to Foster course, where you will be able to meet with other Barnardo’s families and we will undertake an assessment with you.
If it is agreed we will proceed with the transfer, and once you have informed your current agency, we will work with them to complete the process.
Can I transfer to Barnardo’s even if I am currently fostering a child?
You have the right to freedom of movement between fostering agencies, with or without a child or young person in placement.
The details will be discussed at a transfer protocol meeting, and agreements reached for the child/ren to transfer with you. We will maintain your current terms of fostering, which means you will continue to receive the same level of payment, expenses and services to support the child for the duration of the placement.
Want to transfer from your current fostering agency to Barnardo's?
Please contact your local Barnardo's fostering service for a discussion. Find your local fostering service.
Alternatively you can make an enquiry about transferring to us by completing our enquiry form.
Find out more about fostering with Barnardo's

Why foster with Barnardo’s?
Find out why you should choose Barnardo’s as your fostering service.

Being a Barnardo's foster carer
Read and watch first hand accounts of fostering with us.

Start your fostering journey with us
Complete our online form or find details about alternative contact methods here.