Long term fostering (or permanent foster care) means the foster family will care for the child or young person until they reach adulthood. This usually happens when a child or young person is unable to return to their birth family and adoption is not possible.
The difference between long term foster care and adoption is that with foster care, the foster family will never have full legal responsibility for the child. Instead this will sit under the local authority.
There are so many benefits to long term fostering. For the child or young person, being brought up by one carer, often over several years, gives them consistency and a greater sense of permanency, stability and belonging within a family. This stable foundation then allows the child to build healthy relationships and attachments, both with the members of their new family and within their friendship groups.
As the child settles into a more permanent routine, it benefits their education as they have more time to settle in at school without the disruption of being transferred between fostering homes.
Long term foster care is an extremely rewarding role for the foster family as well, as it allows you to have a huge long lasting impact on the life of a child which will help them flourish. And you won’t be alone - we will provide you with on-going training, expert advice and dedicated 24/7 support along your journey.
If you’re interested in becoming a long term foster carer, get in touch with our friendly team today.

Fostering journey
We understand the decision to foster is a huge step and we'll provide you with support every step of the way. Find out more about the journey to fostering.

Fostering a child
There are many different reasons why families start to foster but they all wish to make a difference to the lives of children and young people in care.

Become a foster carer
The first step towards joining the Barnardo's family is getting in touch. Complete our online form or find details about alternative contact methods here.