A young boy with downs syndrome being read to by a foster carer

Short break fostering

Short break foster care (or respite care) covers a number of different types of part-time care, which allows birth parents or full time carers a ‘break’ for short periods of time. 

Short break carers might have a child to stay for anything from a few hours each week to a couple of weekends each month, depending on the child and/or the family’s needs. This type of care often involves looking after children with disabilities or special educational needs.

As a respite carer, you choose when you are available, enabling you to work alongside fostering more easily on a regular basis. Usually, this type of role means you will be supporting the same children and their families, enabling you to see directly the benefit your care has on families in need.

If you are interested in this type of fostering, we’d love to hear from you.

Young man sitting with a Barnardo's professional

Who can foster

We welcome foster carers from all walks of life. Our carers come from a variety of backgrounds and have different life experiences, skills and qualities which helps meet the needs of children and young people needing a foster home.  

A young girl smiles holding a toddler

Fostering a child

There are many different reasons why families start to foster but they all wish to make a difference to the lives of children and young people in care.

Girl with blonde hair standing in front of trees

Become a foster carer

The first step towards joining the Barnardo's family is getting in touch. Complete our online form or find details about alternative contact methods here.