Young people leaving care deserve fair access to accommodation

With your help we can make it easier for young people leaving care to find a place they can call home.

No child should enter adulthood alone 

Many young people rely on their family long after they're 18. But young people who have spent time in care don’t always have that safety net.

They might not have a family home to return to if something goes wrong, someone to phone when they aren’t sure how to fix a problem, or a guarantor to help them rent a place to live, often leaving them feel alone.

It’s an incredibly serious situation... I’ve had letting agents tell me a guarantor is mandatory so they can’t help me. I just hope things will change and care leavers will get the support they need.

 Leo Dann, 21

Who grew up in care

The reality young people leaving care face 

One in three care-experienced young people become homeless in the first two years after they leave care (APPG for Ending Homelessness, 2017). Over one in ten (13%) of young people leaving care said landlords were unwilling to rent to them (Centrepoint, 2017). This is often because they don’t have a parent who can lend them a deposit or act as a guarantor.  

I have found the cost of accommodation challenging because I came from a broken, unorganised background, not a lot of places would take me, and those that would had a long waiting list.

Young person with experience of care on trying to find somewhere to live.

Campaigning for change

Young person at Westminster parliament event.

Young people leaving care deserve to be protected by law so landlords cannot discriminate against them when making decisions about who to let properties to.

This important change would make a difference to thousands of young people who are struggling to find suitable accommodation and would help reduce the chance of them ending up homeless or living in unsafe places. 

We invited Leo and Shelby, two young people who grew up in care, to join us for our roundtable event in the Westminster Parliament to meet with politicians to talk about this issue. They spoke of their experiences and the challenges they faced accessing housing in the private sector. 

Most young people have financial support from parents but the amount of help care leavers receive depends on where they live in the country. They should have equal opportunities to access appropriate housing in safe areas so they can have a positive outlook on life.

Shelby Walker, 26

Care leaver

After our roundtable event, we tabled an amendment to the Renters (Reform) Bill to call for more support for young people leaving care. 

A group of people at Westminster Parliament, attending our roundtable event, standing in a semi circle smiling to the camera.

The Bill already included provisions to stop landlords discriminating against benefit claimants and those with children but lacked clear support for people leaving care. 

Our amendment would have made it illegal for landlords to discriminate against young people if they had been in care. Over 350 of you emailed your MP to ask them to support this amendment and we got support from many MPs from all parties. Unfortunately, the amendment did not pass, however we aren’t stopping there. 

Next steps 

We know how important access to good quality and safe accommodation is. That’s why we will continue to campaign on this issue and work with the Westminster Government to ensure young people have more support when leaving care.  

This includes continuing to campaign for all local authorities to provide rent respite and guarantor schemes which will help care leavers access the private rented sector so they have an equal opportunity to find a place they can call home. 

Find out more about what we’re doing to help young people leaving care get fair access to accommodation. 

A young man walking up stairs carrying a box

The case for a national rent guarantor and deposit scheme

Our report asks local authorities in England to run a rent guarantor and deposit scheme to help care leavers.

Young care leaver sits on his sofa, alone, in his own place but without any support

Experiences of leaving the care system

Read more about the experiences of young people leaving care in our report written in partnership with IKEA.

A group of teenagers walking along a path outside, all smiling. One is pointing at something off screen.

Are you a young person leaving care? Get support 

We know that taking your first steps into adulthood is both exciting and daunting. If it seems tough, don't worry. We're here to help. Across the UK, we have a wide range of incredible teams who are here to help.