Barnardo’s services and shops by constituency

Find out about Barnardo’s services and shops in your local area.   

We support children and their families through family hubs and children’s centres, delivering mental health support and programmes in schools, support children who have been abused to recover, and care for children in and leaving care to thrive. Our goal is to achieve better outcomes for more children. To achieve this, we work with partners to build stronger families, safe childhoods, and positive futures. 

Hover over your constituency to find Barnardo’s shops or services in your area.


The data is representative of the shops and services Barnardo’s runs as of July 2024. Due to differing commissioning cycles services may open or close.

Our national programmes: 

Barnardo's Family Space

Barnardo’s Family Space is a virtual family hub, informed by our nationwide network of family hubs and children’s centres and provides guidance and support for parents and carers from pre-birth to parenting teenagers. 

Barnardo's Education Community logo

Barnardo’s Education Community is a space for professionals working in education settings, from early years to further and higher education, to access free online trauma informed resources and training to support the wellbeing of staff and students.  

CSA Centre logo

Barnardo’s hosts the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse. Funded by the Home Office, the centre leads the way in understanding the causes, scope, scale and impact of child sexual abuse with the aim of reducing the impact child sexual abuse has through improved prevention and a better response. 

Barnardo's Scotland

Find information about our latest policy, research and influencing in Scotland 

Barnardo's Cymru

Find information about our latest policy, research and influencing in Cymru

Barnardo's NI

Find information about our latest policy, research and influencing in Northern Ireland

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