Three girls laying on the grass

Help for executors and solicitors

We’ve provided some guidance if you’re an executor for someone who has left a gift in their Will to Barnardo’s. 

We hope the information below is useful, but if you need more guidance, particularly if you are not a professional executor (for example, you are not a solicitor) and the process is unfamiliar to you, visit the Institute of Legacy Management (ILM) website for guidance for lay executors.

If you need further support please email our Legacy Management Team or call us on 020 8498 7075. 

Paying in a legacy gift 

Prior to paying in any money left in a Will, it is helpful if you can email [email protected] with the following information:

  1. Your details

  2. Details of the deceased, such as name and last known address 

  3. A description of the gift

  4. A copy of the Will

  5. Any information on the motivations behind why the gift was left to us

By BACS or bank transfer

Our bank details for legacy payments are:

Barclays Bank
Mile End and Bow Business Centre
240 Whitechapel Road
E1 1BS

Account name: BARN LEGACY
Account number: 30926655
Sort Code: 20-57-30

Please include ‘Legacies’ and the name of the deceased as the reference so that we can make sure we identify the payment correctly.

If you have any doubt about the correct bank details or prefer to confirm, please call your contact at Barnardo's if you have one. Alternatively call our switchboard on 020 8550 8822 and ask to speak to a member of the Legacy Operations Team. 

By cheque

We would prefer to receive any money electronically. However if this isn’t possible, please send a cheque made payable to:

Legacies at Barnardo’s
Tanners Lane

Please also include your details and details of the deceased, such as name and last known address.​​​​​

Other payment methods

If you’d like to pay in a legacy by other means such as a card payment, please contact us directly. You can email [email protected] or call our switchboard on 020 8550 8822 and ask to speak to a member of the Legacy Operations Team. 

Will wording 

If you’re drafting a Will for a client the wording below may help:

Residuary legacy:

I give (….)% of my residuary estate to Barnardo’s (registered charity nos 216250 and SCO37605) of Tanners Lane, Barkingside, Ilford, Essex, IG6 1QG to be applied for its general purposes, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer at Barnardo's shall be good and sufficient discharge.

Pecuniary legacy: 

I give to Barnardo’s (registered charity nos 216250 and SCO37605) of Tanners Lane, Barkingside, Ilford, Essex IG6 1QG, the sum of £... to be applied for its general purposes, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer at Barnardo’s shall be good and sufficient discharge.

Two men smiling, one is holding a dog.

Why Iain decided to leave a gift in his will to Barnardo’s

Iain was helped by Barnardo's when he was a teenager. Now in this thirties he used our free Will writing service to leave a legacy that will help other children who may need our support.

A girl smiles at a woman wearing a Barnardo's lanyard

Our impact

Our objective is to support the children and young people who need us the most through frontline services. Find out more about the difference we make. 

A girl running joyfully

Leave a gift in your Will to Barnardo's

By leaving a gift in your Will to Barnardo’s, you can help transform the lives of children across the UK. Find out more about why and how to give to Barnardo’s in your Will.

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