Barnardo’s Winners Club is our workplace lottery. Each company that takes part has its own draw meaning all entrants and winners will only come from that company, great for generating some in-house fun whilst supporting Barnardo’s vital work. Here's how it works.
Join the Winners Club lottery as an employee
The minimum entry is £1 per week.
The amount taken from your pay is dependent on how often you are paid. At the end of the entry window an exclusive draw is run for your company.
Winners take home 20 per cent of the lottery fund with the rest going to Barnardo's, to help support our work with children.
Joining is easy. Just complete a few details and we’ll contact your employer to set your entry up. If your company doesn’t have a Winners Club scheme we will contact them about setting one up.
Set up your Winners Club lottery as an employer
The Winners Club is easy to set up and is a simple and engaging way for your employees to give to Barnardo’s from their pay.

If you are an employer and would like to find out more about setting up a Winners Club scheme, our guide below provides further information. Feel free to drop us an email as well at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.
The Winners Club is licensed by the Gambling Commission.
Read the Winners Club terms and conditions.
We are committed to running all our lotteries and raffles in a socially responsible way. Read more about our responsible gambling policy, and how to self-exclude from our lotteries and raffles on our Self-exclusion and responsible gambling page.
If you have a complaint about a Barnardo's lottery or raffle, see Lotteries and raffles: how to make a complaint.
Barnardo’s is licensed and regulated by the Gambling Commission. Licence No. 4642. Barnardo's is a charity (216250 / SC037605). All proceeds to Barnardo’s.
Employer materials
Download our materials to help promote your own Winners Club Lottery to colleagues:
- Joining form
- Winners Club Lottery digital display ad
- Thank you poster version 1 - How much you've raised
- Thank you poster version 2 - Thanks for playing
- Thank you poster version 3 - Thanks for playing.
Winners materials: