Why choose to raise money for Barnardo’s?
We believe that all children should be able to live happy lives, no matter who they are, or what they’ve been through.
We help children and young people to overcome the challenges they face, and move towards brighter, happier futures. And we want to support more children and young people than ever before.
We have been protecting, supporting and nurturing children and families across the UK for over 150 years, and with your support and fundraising effort we can make sure this continues into the future.
Benefits of choosing #Team Barnardo's
By choosing to take part in a challenge event for #TeamBarnardos, you will receive first-class support from our dedicated team.
What support we will give you:
- Constant inspiration and advice from the Barnardo’s events team - your very own, very determined personal support team
- Your personalised Barnardo's running vest or cycling jersey- scientifically proven to make people cheer very loudly at you*
- Monthly fundraising hints and tips
- The opportunity to chat to other Team Barnardo’s members on our running, cycling and trekking facebook groups.
*Just ask anyone who's worn one of our vests before

A message from Daley Thompson CBE
Daley Thompson CBE is a double Olympic champion, Barnardo’s challenge events patron and host of our London Marathon Training Day.
“Just like Barnardo’s, I believe in children – all of them. The shy and quiet ones, the cheeky ones, even the ones who try to test everyone’s patience! Because, at the end of the day they are children – young minds who are trying to find their way in the world.
Children really shouldn’t be categorised as ‘difficult’ or ‘troublemakers’, they should be encouraged to believe in themselves. Only then can they ever hope to turn their lives around.
That is why I wholeheartedly support Barnardo’s work, and taking on a challenge event is your opportunity to do the same.
Good luck in your chosen event, and thank you for supporting Barnardo’s.”
Daley Thompson, CBE