Group of clapping people

Why work with us?

With the dedication and expertise of our staff, volunteers and partners, we continue to develop radical solutions to empower children, intervene early and support them to work towards a positive future.

But we want to go further – we want to respond to the challenges faced by children today while preparing for the realities of childhood tomorrow. That’s why we need your support, now more than ever.

When supporting Barnardo’s, you can be confident that your donation will be invested effectively and efficiently to make the biggest impact on the lives of young people. 

Bruce Oldfield
As someone who was raised in care, I know the difference it makes having someone who believes in you when you are starting out in the world. Barnardo’s provides that belief for thousands of young people each year. I have been consistently impressed by the passion, professionalism and dedication of this organisation.

Bruce Oldfield OBE

A young carer sitting by her mother's bedside

How your support helped Bella

The cost-of-living crisis has seen people who previously had to choose between heating and buying enough food now struggle to do either. For families like Bella’s, where neither parent can work, it can be especially tough.

A teen boy sitting in front of a recording mic, next to a Barnardo's project worker

How your support helped Preston

After being exploited by criminals, we supported Preston*, 19, to fulfil his full potential through an innovative service where young people design their own products.

A boy looking down at his phone while his classmates watch him behind his back

How your support helps our services

Your support makes a different to services like Project Me, which supports the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in Swindon.  

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