Barnardo's Text to Donate

Text to donate is a quick and easy way to donate to Barnardo’s. If you've already texted a donation, thank you so much. You’re helping to change a child’s life.

Can I donate by text?

To send a text donation you must be 16 years old or over and you must obtain permission from the bill payer before sending a text message.

Where can I send text donations from?

Please note that you can donate from a UK mobile only. You cannot donate using this service from a Channel Islands, Isle of Man or other non-UK mobile. If you donate using this service from a UK mobile outside England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, you may incur additional network charges.

What happens when I donate?

  • Barnardo’s will receive 100% of each donation.
  • This charity donation service enables you to donate and receive information about the work of Barnardo’s and by using it you agree that we may contact you in the future by SMS and by phone to let you know more about our work and other ways you can help, including how you can make another donation, volunteer, or support our campaigns.
  • If you'd rather we didn't contact you again by SMS or by phone, please add NOINFO to the end of your text message. Alternatively, you can contact our Supporter Relations team by telephoning 0800 008 7005 or email, including your mobile number in the email.
  • There is no limit on the number of times you may make a donation via text but there is a daily limit of £30 on text donations. You will not be able to donate more by text from the same number on the same day, but you may still incur your standard network message charge if you try.
  • This SMS service is being provided for Barnardo’s by Vir 2 Mobile, the trading name of RSM 2000 Ltd, Suite One, Second Floor, Wrest House, Wrest Park, Silsoe, United Kingdom MK45 4HS.
  • See below for General Terms and Conditions relating to all text to donate campaigns.

Gift Aid - Make your donation worth more for free

Donations made via text are eligible for Gift Aid. In order for us to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your gifts and make them worth 25% more, at no cost to you, fill and send back in this form, call us on 0800 008 7005 or email, including your mobile number in the email.

How we use your personal information

Your privacy is important to Barnardo’s. Please read our privacy notice at: which sets out how we use and protect any information that you give to us.

General terms and conditions

  • When you donate via SMS to Barnardo’s kindly note that in addition to the donation, you will incur your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates).
  • Barnardo’s will receive 100% of each donation.
  • All gifts will go towards Barnardo’s vital work with children and young people.
  • Please ensure you spell the keyword carefully and send your text message to the correct short code or your gift will not be received.
  • If your keyword and short code are valid, you will be charged the donation amount when you receive the bounce-back message – this cost will be applied directly to your mobile phone bill. It may take some time for you to receive a bounce-back message. Please wait until you receive it. Any repeat texts will result in repeat donations.
  • If your keyword or short code is invalid, you may not receive a bounce-back but may still be charged your standard network message charge. You will not be charged the donation as you will not be donating to Barnardo’s.
  • All supporters must obtain permission from the bill payer before sending a text message. If you are under 16 years old, you must have your parent or guardian's permission to send a text donation to us.
  • If you would like to contribute additional gifts to Barnardo’s, you can donate online by accessing our website at:
  • All donations to Barnardo’s, including the donation from the text, are non-refundable.
  • Barnardo’s, Vir 2, RSM 2000 and their subcontractors, subsidiaries and/or agencies cannot accept any responsibility for any technical failure or malfunction or any other problem with any telephone network or line, system, server, provider or otherwise which may result in any text being lost or not properly received.
  • Barnardo’s is a registered charity, number 216250.
  • There is no limit on the number of times you may make a donation via text but there is a daily limit of £30 on text donations. You will not be able to donate more by text from the same number on the same day, but you may still incur your standard network message charge if you try.
  • Please note that you can donate from a UK mobile only. You cannot donate using this service from a Channel Islands, Isle of Man or other non-UK mobile. If you donate using this service from a UK mobile outside England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, you may incur additional network charges.

How to contact us

If you would like to discuss your mobile payment, please contact the Supporter relations Team:


Call: Supporter Care Team on 0800 008 7005

Supporter Care Team
Tanners Lane
1G6 1QG

Thank you for believing in children

Pie chart showing how much money is spent on working with children and young people (94p in every pound)

For every pound we spend (excluding retail costs) approximately:

  • 94p goes on working with the children and young people who need it most

  • Less than 1p goes on investment management costs

  • And the remaining amount – just over 5p - on raising the next £1

For more information see our annual report.

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