Barnardo's become office volunteer

Become a business support volunteer

Have you got a background in finance, facilities management, procurement or data and insight?

Would you like to use your skills and expertise to help children and young people feel safer, healthier, happier and more hopeful?

Then volunteering in business support might be perfect for you. 

Our business support teams help our front-line children’s services behind the scenes. They cover many of the same areas found in commercial organisations. If you have skills and experience in these areas there may be a volunteering role for you. 

Here are some of the ways you can get involved

Good at spoting mistakes? 

Sometimes we need a second pair of eyes. Can you proofread documents to make sure they’re correct and fit with our organisation’s tone of voice? 

Video and digital creator 

If you have video or digital skills, you could help us tell people about our life-changing services or our amazing award winners, show colleagues and volunteers how to complete a process that supports their roles or engage new audiences on social media.

Know your data? 

If you’re able to perform data analysis, you could help us learn lessons and make recommendations to help improve future projects. 

Have you got specialist expertise we could benefit from?  

 Perhaps you have managerial experience and could support our project management, or you have knowledge of data and how we can use facts and figures to improve our processes. 

Other ways to volunteer with us 

A runner wearing a Barnardo's vest high fives a supporter

Help support our fundraisers 

Money raised through fundraising activities helps us make children, young people and families across the UK safer, healthier, happier and more hopeful. Fundraising volunteers help inspire others to raise vital money. From designing and distributing promo materials, telling people about events on social media to cheering people across the finish line they help us change lives. 

A Barnardo's shop volunteer arranging a window display

Volunteer in your local Barnardo’s shop

Be part of the team that makes our shops a welcoming place for people in their local community. Or, you could support our online store. Either way you’ll be helping to fund services that children, young people and families need.

A young man puts an old ledger on a shelf

Be a research volunteer 

Are you good at finding answers? Maybe you’re good at solving puzzles with your research and analytic skills. If so, a volunteering role in research may be for you. 

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