What we do
The service offers support to children with a disability and their families, whether they are diagnosed or going through the process of diagnosis. The support provided will be unique to each family as the support required will be different depending on each family's circumstance/situation. We work with families and their children aged 0-25. We are funded by Welsh Governments Families First programme. If you would like to access this service please complete our online referral form.
Through WCVA Funding, Barnardo's delivers the 'Ti'n Werth Y Byd' Service which translates to 'You're Worth the World'. The Service aims to recruit and support individuals with lived experience of neurodiversity into volunteering opportunities, to develop skills and gain qualifications through the Agored Centre. Volunteer roles include peer mentors, family befrienders, administration support and group supporters for both children/young people and parent/carer group delivery. Volunteering opportunities include face to face, virtual and administrative activities.
We can help with
- Advocating for children is at the heart of everything we do. We work to make sure children and young people with disabilities are included in community activities and decisions about themselves.
- Find out more about Disability advocacy/participation
- Search for Disability advocacy/participation services