What we do
The service supports young people age S1 -21 years (26 if care experienced ) living in the North Lanarkshire area, who are affected by their own or someone else’s substance misuse and other related complex issues. The service will provide co-ordination, advocacy and support for young people to address a range of health and lifestyle issues and ultimately try and link them back into the most appropriate services for their needs.
The service specific support for young parents impacted by substance use, utilizing the solihull approach.
We can help with
- We support children and young people when an adult close to them, or they themselves, use substances in a way that becomes problematic, harmful, or dependent. We offer them advice and information on the impact of high risk behaviours, such as drug or alcohol misuse, violence and domestic abuse. We also provide access to intervention and treatment services, along with one-to-one and peer support.
- Find out more about Substance misuse
- Search for Substance misuse services
- No child should be left to deal with poor mental health alone so we provide services supporting children and young people's emotional health and wellbeing. We have centres where children and young people can visit and have a trained worker they can trust and talk to. We help them build their confidence and get to the root of their difficulties so they can feel safer, happier, healthier and more hopeful.
- Find out more about Mental health
- Search for Mental health services