Barnardo's Exploitation and Safeguarding Team (BEST) North Lanarkshire

What we do

BEST aims to support children and young people aged 18 years and under to identify risk and devise strategies to minimise harm, particularly in relation to exploitation. The service in North Lanarkshire is delivered through facilitating return discussions for missing episodes.

We can help with


  • We support children and young people who have gone missing/run away from home. Our help includes return-home interviews, so they have a chance to talk about why they ran away, what happened when they were away and how they are feeling now they are back. This is done so things can happen that will make a recurrence less likely.
  • Search for Missing services
  • Child sexual exploitation (CSE)

  • Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a form of child sexual abuse. When children and young people experience sexual abuse we help them recover and rebuild their lives. We also support their family through counselling and create and deliver preventive and awareness-raising programmes.
  • Find out more about Child sexual exploitation (CSE)
  • Search for Child sexual exploitation (CSE) services
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