Barnardo's Family Linx Service

What we do

Family Linx is a service supporting families with autistic children or who are on the pathway to a diagnosis, up to the age of 12/end of year 7 in secondary school. The Service offers different areas of support including the Cygnet Programme, one to one targeted support, based on the individual needs of families, sleep support, workshops with a focus on behaviour and sensory issues, transition from primary to secondary school and puberty. The service has a weekly peer support group, led by Volunteers and parents who are Peer Supporters.

We can help with

    Family support

  • We know looking after your family can be tough at times. We support parents, carers and families with guidance and activities so children and young people can feel safe, happy, healthy and hopeful.
  • Find out more about Family support
  • Search for Family support services
  • Parenting programmes

  • No matter how much you love each other, looking after your family can be tough at times. We provide training programmes and workshops, learning activities, community based development support and mediation services so families are supported so together they can thrive.
  • Search for Parenting programmes services
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