Barnardo's Nurture Service Inverclyde (Thrive Your Time)

What we do

Nurture Services provides a wide range of universal and specialist opportunities on site to promote family wellbeing, our staff are skilled at delivering services to children at different ages and stages.
Children and families are at the core of everything we do, we have the space to accommodate group work activities and individual packages of support.
We have developed specialist support in line with identified needs.
Thrive Your Time is a community respite model for children with additional support needs; Requests for assistance are based on recommendations of a social work led well-being assessment and are considered via The Resource Allocation Group (RAG). The allocated hours of support are delivered by Barnardo’s Thrive team and include access to a range of community activities, service based groups and a small sitter service.

We can help with

    Short breaks for disabled children

  • Caring for your family is hard and everyone needs a break sometimes. We give the families and carers of children and young people with additional needs a chance to recharge their batteries. Our services, including our play and holiday schemes, give children and young people an opportunity to have fun, build their confidence and independence through inclusive play, share experiences and socialise in an inclusive space.
  • Find out more about Short breaks for disabled children
  • Search for Short breaks for disabled children services
  • Young carers

  • Young people with caring responsibilities have all the challenges of being young, with all the responsibilities of being an adult. We support children and young people who care for and look after family members affected by health issues, disability or substance misuse. We help them look after their loved ones and give them time to enjoy their childhoods.
  • Find out more about Young carers
  • Search for Young carers services
  • Youth services

  • Our youth services offer children and young people a safe space where they can build relationships, enjoy activities, develop new skills and receive support to help them make positive life choices.
  • Search for Youth services services
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