Barnardos Young People & Families Team - Fathers and Male Carers Enhanced Service

What we do

The “Fathers and Male Carers Enhanced Service” is funded to deliver a strategic focus on embedding Father and Male Carer inclusive practice citywide. Our role is to help and support partners across the Community Family Offer to deliver and improve accessibility for Fathers and Male Carers.
What we can offer in partnership with organisations is:
• Looking at current service delivery to help recognise possible gaps and potential opportunities to be more inclusive of Fathers and Male Carers.
• Contribute to identifying useful mechanisms around ensuring service systems and processes can gather information that they need on the Fathers and Male Carers that they want to help.
• Support the service to look at ways in which they can effectively reach, engage and support Fathers and Male Carers.
• Identify what workforce development needs there could be for staff and how these can be addressed to raise confidence, knowledge and understanding of working with Fathers and Male Carers
• Explore effective ways in which the service can gain feedback from Fathers and Male Carers that they want to hear from.

We can help with