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Community Wellbeing Team (CWT)

What we do

Barnardo’s Community Wellbeing Team works across Surrey Heath, Spelthorne, Waverley & Woking. We work with children and young people, aged 6-18 years, to help support emotional health and wellbeing as soon as a need is identified.

The Community Wellbeing Team provides support in the following ways:
Meeting with them for 1:1 support (up to 10 sessions)
B-Connected - a 6 week school-based wellbeing group
Advice, guidance, information and signposting to other provisions
Offering phone or online support
Finding other support in the local community
Holiday wellbeing check-in sessions

Community Wellbeing Mentors will spend time getting to know the young person and what goals they want for future sessions. The service uses a goal-based approach to guide young people to understand their strengths and how they can use them to achieve their goals. Community Wellbeing Mentors will meet young people where they feel safe and comfortable which can be at home, in school/college or out in the local community.

Referrals can be made via:
Mindworks Surrey Access and Advice Service (formerly CAMHS access and advice service)
Professionals working with the young people such as GP, education, social care
Young people (aged 16 and over), parents or carers themselves

We can help with

    Mental health

  • No child should be left to deal with poor mental health alone so we provide services supporting children and young people's emotional health and wellbeing. We have centres where children and young people can visit and have a trained worker they can trust and talk to. We help them build their confidence and get to the root of their difficulties so they can feel safer, happier, healthier and more hopeful.
  • Find out more about Mental health
  • Search for Mental health services
  • Youth services

  • Our youth services offer children and young people a safe space where they can build relationships, enjoy activities, develop new skills and receive support to help them make positive life choices.
  • Search for Youth services services
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