What we do
Greater Manchester Key Working Service for children and young people 0-25years with a Learning Disability and/or Autism who are at risk of admission to a mental health ward or in need of a 52 week residential school/college or where families and professionals believe things are escalating and without support could be an outcome.
See our service video https://clipchamp.com/watch/MiO6eYqTv1w
The Keyworking Function has been developed as a response to the NHS England & NHS Improvement Long Term Plan (LTP) commitment that by 2023/24, children and young people with a learning disability, autism or both, with the most complex needs will have a designated Keyworker: implementing the recommendations made by Dame Christine Lenehan.
The vision is: Children and young people with a learning disability, autism or both with the most complex needs will have a designated Keyworker.
• Improve children and young people's lived experience so they feel safe and happy, listened to, informed and involved in their plans, care and support
• Improve parent/carers & families' lived experience so they have reduced stress and uncertainty, are more stable feel listened to, informed and involved
• Improving access - timely access to the right personalised support, assessment, care and support are integrated across education, health, social care and voluntary, community services
• Continuity of care and support
• Well planned and well managed transitions
• Improving quality of care, reasonably adjusted support, reducing inequalities, implementation of Care and Education Treatment Review (CETR) recommendations
• Outcomes agreed with young person and family
See our Facebook page -https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085071324741
The Greater Manchester Keyworker Service is working towards the CCQM award (Cultural Cohesion Quality Mark) - https://iccqm.org
Useful links:
We can help with
- Advocating for children is at the heart of everything we do. We work to make sure children and young people with disabilities are included in community activities and decisions about themselves.
- Find out more about Disability advocacy/participation
- Search for Disability advocacy/participation services
- We know looking after your family can be tough at times. We support parents, carers and families with guidance and activities so children and young people can feel safe, happy, healthy and hopeful.
- Find out more about Family support
- Search for Family support services