Greater Manchester Key Working Service

What we do

Greater Manchester Key Working Service for children and young people 0-25years with a Learning Disability and/or Autism who are at risk of admission to a mental health ward or in need of a 52 week residential school/college or where families and professionals believe things are escalating and without support could be an outcome.

See our service video

The Keyworking Function has been developed as a response to the NHS England & NHS Improvement Long Term Plan (LTP) commitment that by 2023/24, children and young people with a learning disability, autism or both, with the most complex needs will have a designated Keyworker: implementing the recommendations made by Dame Christine Lenehan.
The vision is: Children and young people with a learning disability, autism or both with the most complex needs will have a designated Keyworker.
• Improve children and young people's lived experience so they feel safe and happy, listened to, informed and involved in their plans, care and support
• Improve parent/carers & families' lived experience so they have reduced stress and uncertainty, are more stable feel listened to, informed and involved
• Improving access - timely access to the right personalised support, assessment, care and support are integrated across education, health, social care and voluntary, community services
• Continuity of care and support
• Well planned and well managed transitions
• Improving quality of care, reasonably adjusted support, reducing inequalities, implementation of Care and Education Treatment Review (CETR) recommendations
• Outcomes agreed with young person and family
See our Facebook page -

The Greater Manchester Keyworker Service is working towards the CCQM award (Cultural Cohesion Quality Mark) -

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