Hilltop Children and Family Centre

What we do

What we Do

The Forest and Gloucester City Targeted Family Support Service (Children and Family Centres) work with children aged 0 to 11 and their families to provide early help when needed.

We provide a range of services including;

1:1 support in the Family home or at a mutually convenient venue

Evidence based Parenting Programmes such as;
• Solihull — a free structured parenting programme giving focused parenting advice.
• Incredible Years/Triple P— These parenting programmes can be offered on a 1:1 basis to support parents in managing children’s behaviour.
• You & me, Mum — supporting families experiencing Domestic Abuse

If you feel that you would like to discuss whether we can offer support to you and your family then please telephone and speak to one of our Family Support Workers.

Alternatively speak to your Health Visitor, School or Early Years Setting who can complete a Request for Support Form - just ask a member of staff.

Statutory Rights
• Right to a high-quality service, as agreed
• Right to be treated fairly and with respect
• Right to Confidentiality
• Right to see the information we hold about families
• Right to decline a service
• Right to Complain

We can help with

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