Isle of Wight Young Carers Early Help Family Support

What we do

Young carers are children and young people aged 5 to 18 years whose lives are affected by caring for an unwell member of their family. They care for a relative who may have a physical or learning disability, a long term illness, a terminal condition, mental illness, or difficulties with drug or alcohol use. Caring may be physical, emotional or both.

Barnardo's offers support for young carers and their families. We work with children and young people to provide a range of events and activities to give them a break from their caring responsibilities, and we also offer one-to-one support tailored to meet their individual needs. To find out more, or to request support, please use the referral link in the website below.

We can help with

    Young carers

  • Young people with caring responsibilities have all the challenges of being young, with all the responsibilities of being an adult. We support children and young people who care for and look after family members affected by health issues, disability or substance misuse. We help them look after their loved ones and give them time to enjoy their childhoods.
  • Find out more about Young carers
  • Search for Young carers services
  • Family support

  • We know looking after your family can be tough at times. We support parents, carers and families with guidance and activities so children and young people can feel safe, happy, healthy and hopeful.
  • Find out more about Family support
  • Search for Family support services
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