Leeds Children's Rights (Advocacy non looked after LADO)

What we do

We provide advocacy for non looked after children and young people who have made an allegation against a professional and have LADO involvement.LADO ... If for any reason the young person's birth family is unable to support to the young person then we can offer advocacy in order to make sure that their statement is independently received and that their voice is represented at any meetings.
We can either attend meetings on their behalf or if appropriate we can support the young person to attend the meeting themselves.
We will also make sure that the young person is kept fully informed of all events and all outcomes.

We can help with

    Advocacy and participation (children in care)

  • We provide one-to-one support for children and young people looked-after by their local authority. We also help other young people in need of support, such as those on a child protection plan. Our mental health advocacy services work with children and young people receiving or wanting mental health support. Children and young people have a right to be heard and involved in decisions about them, so we support them by explaining their wishes and arguing their case. We also provide activities and training for families and professionals.
  • Find out more about Advocacy and participation (children in care)
  • Search for Advocacy and participation (children in care) services
  • Rights and participation

  • Children and young people have a right to be heard and involved in decisions about them, so we enable and support them to participate in decision making processes.
  • Search for Rights and participation services
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