TIGER Domestic Abuse webchat

Where to go if you don’t live in Barking and Dagenham or if need urgent help?

If you are worried and need help right now, always call 999 immediately. 

If you need someone to talk to or some more information, you can contact:

RefugeRefuge is the largest domestic abuse organisation in the UK. Contact them online, or call their freephone 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000247. 

Childline – Childline offers free, confidential advice and support to all children, whatever your worry. Contact them online or on their freephone on 0800 1111. 

Live Fear Free – Live Fear Free provides help and advice about violence against women, domestic abuse, and sexual violence. Contact them online, call their freephone 0808 80 10 800, or text 07860077333. 

Are you 11 or older? Do you live in Barking and Dagenham or attend school in Barking and Dagenham?

To join the webchat, please enter your name and email address below and click connect or use one of the social sign-in options.  

If you are using a computer to join the webchat, please note it does not work on Internet Explorer so you will need to use a different web browser. 

The webchat is monitored Monday to Friday between 9AM and 8PM, however there may not be an immediate response. Please join the chat so we have your email address to contact you back on or to join the waiting list. Should you need more urgent support, please contact the Barking and Dagenham MASH team on 02082273811, or the police on 999 if you are at risk of immediate harm.

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