What we do
RAFT brings together 5 leading local and national charities in a single service to provide time limited support to children, young people and families in Aberdeen.
RAFT offers a single point of access to the partnership's highly trained staff, with skills and specialist knowledge to respond quickly for children, young people and their families.
RAFT will work with children, young people and their families to reduce the need and risk, by supporting those:
1) On the cusp of social work intervention
2) Working with social work and need additional support to reduce potential escalation
3) Ready to exit social work
RAFT will work with children, young people and families with presenting needs such as parental substance use, domestic abuse, mental health, parenting capacity/lifestyle, transitions and offending although this is not an exhaustive list .
We can help with
- We know looking after your family can be tough at times. We support parents, carers and families with guidance and activities so children and young people can feel safe, happy, healthy and hopeful.
- Find out more about Family support
- Search for Family support services