father and child blowing bubbles

Professional courses

Solihull Approach Hackney service

The Solihull Approach is an evidence-based programme supporting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of children and their parents/carers. Its aim is to support parents to create a safe, secure, emotionally attuned relationship with their child which will aid healthy brain development, having long term positive impact upon the child’s emotional wellbeing, mental health and ability to form healthy relationships. 

London Borough of Hackney are offering fully funded places to all professionals working with families who live in the borough and are pregnant or raising children aged 0-2 years old. 

Solihull Approach Hackney 

This 2-day course will support your practice by providing: 

  • A grounding in the 3 tenants of the approach – Containment, Reciprocity and Behaviour Management 
  • An introduction to infant, early childhood and adolescent brain development 
  • An understanding behaviour as a communication 
  • An understanding of development milestones 
  • An understanding of the impact Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) 
  • Access to Solihull resources for your professional use for three years after course completion 


Designed by clinical psychologists in partnership with health visitors and parents, this course is aimed at supporting you in your practice with your families. 

These courses are delivered by qualified practitioners who will support you throughout the course.

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