Solihull Approach groups for young parents will offer you a confidential, safe and fun environment to meet other young parents and their babies, while learning from each other, how to encourage healthy brain development for your child and how best to support the mental health and emotional wellbeing of you both.
Groups are run by our friendly and supportive practitioners at different locations across the borough . Please use one of the links below to register and one of us will call you to confirm the start date of your group.
Please note young parents must be aged 12 -19 years old or up to 25 years old with SEND needs.
Book onto the Understanding your pregnancy labour and your baby course
For pregnant families, 5 weeks
Each week we will learn about a different topic including:
- Getting to know and bonding with your baby before birth
- Understanding your babies brain development
- Understanding the stages of labour
- Feeding options
- Supporting your own wellbeing
Register your interest for Understanding your baby
for parents of 0-10 month olds, 6 weeks
Each week we will learn about a different topic including:
- Getting to know your baby and their unique ways of communicating
- Understanding your baby’s brain development
- Feeding, sleeping, and soothing guidance
- Understanding the importance of play
- Supporting your own wellbeing
Register your interest Understanding your child
for parents of 1 – 5 year olds, 10 weeks
Each week we will learn about a different topic including:
- Understanding your child’s developmental needs
- Understanding and responding to your child’s feelings
- Understanding your own feelings
- Understanding communication in your relationship
- Learning about different parenting styles
- Supporting your own wellbeing