What we do
Waverley Family Centres
A family support service commissioned by Surrey County Council to deliver Targeted Support to families. The Waverley Family Centres are based in Loseley (Godalming) and Hale (Farnham), and our Family Support Workers work with targeted families with children aged 0-11 years. The Family Support team holds 1.1 caseload work and facilitates group work for families in Waverley.
Referrals for 1-1 support are received from Surrey County Council’s CSPA. Requests for support can be made through Surrey Children’s Single Point of Access (CSPA). https://www.surreyscp.org.uk/documents/surrey-childrens-services-reques…
Services are no longer available for all families at Family Centres, but other organisations may offer these at the centres and at other community venues. You can use the Surrey Family Information Directory to find universal and other services. https://www.surreyscp.org.uk/documents/surrey-childrens-services-reques…
Referrals for courses can be via your Health professional, social worker, school, nursery, or parents can contact us direct regarding courses. Please contact us directly at [email protected] for further information about any of our services and how to be referred to us.
Courses offered include:
Parenting (Courses for parents of children aged 0-5 and 5-11)
Freedom Programme (Domestic Abuse)
Who’s in Charge (child to parent violence)
Baby Massage (health and attachment benefits)
We can help with
- We know looking after your family can be tough at times. We support parents, carers and families with guidance and activities so children and young people can feel safe, happy, healthy and hopeful.
- Find out more about Family support
- Search for Family support services
- No matter how much you love each other, looking after your family can be tough at times. We provide training programmes and workshops, learning activities, community based development support and mediation services so families are supported so together they can thrive.
- Search for Parenting programmes services